Home of hand-wired tube amplifiers designed for 
guitar players who have always wanted an awesome
clean with an equally awesome dirty sound in the same amp.
Yes, it is possible. See for yourself!




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The M50-JR is the result of many discussions with my friend Mike Abercrombie, who has been playing on my M50L every Saturday for a couple of years now. As much as he loves the M50L, he wanted an amp with that tone and feel, but not the size and weight. 

 When the maker of my LS30 transformers, Musical Power Supplies, informed me that he now makes 50 watt transformers also, the M50-JR was born. It is a 50 watt 6L6 powered amp built on the LS30 chassis. The voicing and gain structure is that of the M50L, but the functionality (channel switching and controls) are like the LS30.

 And it weighs only about 27 lbs!


Goes from beautiful clean to moderately over driven. Switchable bright cap works with gain control.


Two levels of gain (accessible by footswitch) for rhythm and lead. Two way bright switch


Tube buffered transparent effects loop and digital reverb.


         The LS30 design came from the idea of taking the red channel of my LS100G3 (the lower gain section of the distortion
         channel) and make a one channel, lower wattage, EL34 powered amp out of it. With the help of Musical Power Supply’s 
         custom transformers, I went to work on the project. 

         Once the prototype was built (always having versatility in mind) I couldn't resist dividing the “one channel” into two 
         channels  with a shared tone stack....just to see how it would work. As it turned out, it worked better than I expected! 
         Together with the bright switches, separate gain controls and master volumes on both channels, they work together 
         very nicely.
         So here is the LS30 that was developed from that original idea...30 watts of EL34 goodness:

        Goes from beautiful clean to moderately overdriven. Switchable bright cap that works with the gain control.
        This has two levels of gain (accessible by a foot switch) for rhythm and lead. Plus, a three-way bright switch.
        Tube buffered transparent effects loop and a digital reverb.

This is a great little amp for just about any gig.  At only 26.6 lbs - you can carry it anywhere!


30 watts
two channels: clean & distortion
a separate gain & master volume control for each channel
EL34 power tubes
2-way bright switch for the clean channel
3-way bright switch for the distortion channel
tube-buffered effects loop
digital reverb
master volume on each channel
depth control


The LS100G3 is a three channel EL34 powered high gain amp with individual gain and volume controls for each channel, with a separate set of tone controls for the clean channel and a shared EQ section for channels 2 & 3.

The clean channel can be ordered in 2 configurations (“pure” clean or “dirty” clean) and provides cleans which compliment the high gain channels perfectly. The “pure” clean channel has a rich “American” style voicing, and can go from sparkly to warm, with very little break-up even when the gain control is dimed. The “dirty” clean has a “British” style voicing and starts breaking up fairly early, reaching “plexi" level gain when dimed.

The gain channels share an EQ and each channel has its own mode: red (lower gain), and yellow (higher gain). The red mode is a jack-of-all-trades style overdrive channel and can easily be used the same as a one-channel amp. It has plenty of gain on tap for solos, stays tight for percussive rhythm playing, and cleans up beautifully by rolling the guitar volume back. For those that like to have their guitar volume dimed for crunchy rhythm, channel 3 (yellow mode) gives you the option of using the red mode with the gain lowered for rhythm crunch and switching to the yellow for instant access to more gain or volume. These channels can be set it any number of configurations to fit into any rig.

100 watts
EL34 power tubes
3-way bright switch (gain channels only)
tube-buffered effects loop
digital reverb
master volume
depth control
switchable diode clipping
hard/soft switch

Also available in a 50 watt - LS50G3


The M100L amps are an alternate offering, taking the Landry sound into a different direction than the LS100G3. The M series bring a more linear preamp response for a “bigger” overall tone, with the clean channel resting squarely in the “American” style of voicing. 

 The gain channels feature the same configuration as the LS100G3 but have a smoother voicing that can go from buttery smooth to roaring. The high gain mode takes the gain over the top to satisfy any high gain player and maintains its responsiveness at all settings. The M100L and M50V are similar in tone as they share most of the same architecture, but the 6L6s and larger transformers in the M100L lend a more aggressive nature.


100 watts
6L6 power tubes
3-way bright switch (gain channels only)
tube-buffered effects loop
digital reverb
master volume
depth control
switchable diode clipping
hard/soft switch

Also available in a 50 watt - M50L



Do not mistake this as the “little brother” to the M100L - there’s nothing little about what this 50 watter cranks out. The M series bring a more linear preamp response for a “bigger” overall tone, with the clean channel resting squarely in the “American” style of voicing. 

 The gain channels feature the same configuration as the LS100G3 but have a smoother voicing that can go from buttery smooth to roaring. The high gain mode takes the gain over the top to satisfy any high gain player and maintains its responsiveness at all settings. The M50V is powered by a quarter of 6V6s that generate 50 watts of creamy tone.


50 watts
6V6 power tubes
3-way bright switch (gain channels only)
tube-buffered effects loop
digital reverb
master volume
depth control
switchable diode clipping
hard/soft switch

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